

how wetlands work - air and water swamp cooler

by:HICOOL     2019-07-22
how wetlands work  -  air and water swamp cooler
Threats to wetlands the United States lost more than half of its original wetlands due to drainage, farmland renovation or other forms of development.
The maximum rate of wetland loss occurs between 1950 and 1970 until the conservation movement significantly slows down [source: EPA].
But the wetlands are still under threat.
Human activity may be the most common cause of wetland destruction or degradation. Development --
Whether it's drainage, dam-building to form a lake or pond, adding sidewalks, or diverting water ---
Hydrological conditions affecting the soil, or the presence of water in the soil [Source: MerriamWebster].
If there is no water, there is no wetland.
Human beings, however, cannot take all responsibility.
Wetlands also face natural threats, such as drought.
Even if the wetland is a sponge
They like and can keep their reserves for a long time, but they can't do it forever.
If not, some wetlands will eventually dry up.
Wildlife may also be harmful.
Excessive grazing of animals can destroy the vegetation in the area and make the wetland vulnerable to erosion.
Natural disasters such as hurricanes or floods can greatly erode wetlands.
Although wetlands are a buffer against these weather events, they also pay a price for reduced vegetation and runoff pollution.
Pollution also reduces wetlands and water quality.
Similarly, wetlands serve as natural filters for contaminated water, but they can only absorb so much.
Pollution enters the water body through pesticides, sediment, sewage, fertilizer and other forms.
Once the wetland is polluted, it is difficult to clean it up.
The best way to keep the wetland clean is to first protect the wetland from pollution and ensure that the pollutants-
Free water supply.
Global warming is also a threat to wetlands.
A study by the Pew Center for Global Climate Change found that water temperatures also rise as temperatures rise.
Because of the higher productivity of warm waters, wetlands may eventually be flooded with algae, which will reduce water quality and bring health problems to humans and animals.
Algae known as red tide release toxins that have killed thousands of fish.
Eating the affected shellfish can expose humans to these toxins.
Breathing air near the red tide can also cause breathing problems for some people [source: CDC].
In addition, many fish live on cooler water and become extinct when smaller lakes or ponds warm.
Higher temperatures can also lead to reduced precipitation, thus reducing the amount of runoff provided to [wetlands]
Source: Pew Center.
So what can be done to save the wetlands?
Read on and learn about the United StatesS.
The Clean Water Act and other private organizations are doing it to protect the wetlands.
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