

more effective home heating reduces school absences for children with asthma - heat pump unit prices

by:HICOOL     2019-09-05
more effective home heating reduces school absences for children with asthma  -  heat pump unit prices
According to international standards, the average indoor temperature of New Zealand households is lower than the minimum temperature recommended by who at 18 °c.
The study highlighted the link between low indoor temperature and poor health outcomes, including social functioning and mental health --being.
Both health and social impacts may have an impact on the miss rate.
The aim of this study was to determine whether more effective home heating could affect absenteeism in children with asthma.
Single method-
A blind, randomized controlled trial of a 6-12-year-old asthma child was conducted in 409 households, of which the previous heating was open fire
In an electric heater or a gas heater that does not flow.
The intervention was to install a more efficient heater at least 6kw in half of the houses by the winter of 2006.
Demographic and Health Information was collected before and after the intervention.
Contact each child's school directlyby-
If any, obtain information on the child's long-term absence from work in 2006 and previous years.
As a result, 269 out of 409 children were provided with complete absence data.
Compared with the control group, the average number of children in the families who received the intervention experienced 21% (p=0. 02)
The number of absence days decreased, taking into account the impact of other factors.
The conclusion is more effective.
Indoor pollution heating reduces the absence of classes in children with asthma.
Many studies have shown that asthma is responsible for the absence of classes.
2005 literature review of 66 studies on asthma and school attendance found that almost all studies showed a link between asthma and decreased school attendance.
However, the limitations of the study design, including the lack of control groups in many cases, and the lack of a standard definition of "asthma" and its severity, this means that it is difficult to quantify the number of school days lost due to this disease.
A 2004 US study on the economic cost of asthma estimated that the additional absence was as high as 2.
Each child with asthma is 8 days, 4 days a year, while 2002 studies by Moonie et al show a figure of about 1 day. 3–1.
Every child is 5 days a year.
However, no impact has been found in other recent studies.
6 7 studies have shown that this situation is complex and is not likely to be affected by a wide range of variables, including the severity of asthma symptoms, and the degree of compliance with 5 8 drug treatment protocols, social poverty and low socio-economic status.
10 indoor environment and asthma figure 1 outlines some ways in which some of the factors in the child's home and school environment may be combined with personal health and motivational factors affecting schooling.
This study investigated the availability of heating selection and heating that may affect schooling through the effects on respiratory diseases and asthma.
Download figureOpen in new tabDownload powerpoint figure 1 the impact of home heating and other factors on school attendance.
Although little is known about these mechanisms,
Studies have shown that the quality of the home environment may have a significant impact on health.
This is important because people may spend 90% of their time indoors in Western society.
In their 2005 literature reviews, Richardson et al concluded that there was evidence of a link between the indoor environment and asthma.
Ventilation and improved heat insulation and heating are associated with lower indoor humidity, which in turn reduces the content of mold and mites because mites cannot survive when relative humidity is less than about 50%.
Both mold spores15-19 and mites allergy are associated with asthma and respiratory symptoms.
A British study showed central heating was installed in 59 cold and humid homes in Cornwall, England. The measured respiratory symptoms of 72 children with asthma who participated in the study were significantly reduced.
This is particularly evident in self-
Reported Night Cough, reduced from 3 points (most nights)to 1 (
One or several nights)
Measured within a month (p
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